About Us

Taryn and Robyn met in their homeland of South Africa not long before they would both journey to distant shores and new homes. However their paths were destined to intertwine and dance across the oceans in friendship, in council and now in business.

They immediately found connection in their shared commitment to a life that is self honouring and all the challenges that that evokes in the modern world. They knew immediately that they were kindred sprits and have continued to support each other in choosing authenticity, integrity and self love as a devotional practice.

Taryn has worked in the field of holistic medicine for over 20 years. She is mother to 3 boys and is supported by the love of her husband. Taryn offers her wisdom and insights to Boddevi with one foot grounded in her knowledge as an anatomy and physiology lecturer and clinical experience with patients, and the other firmly rooted in a consistent spiritual practice and learning even, or especially, in the face of life’s daily demands as a working mom. Taryn values beauty as a spiritual quality, and actively cultivates it in whatever space or stage of life she is in.

Robyn is an intuitive graphic designer and creative with 20 years experience in the advertising and branding industry. Running her own branding studio while mothering her daughters, she is driven by the desire to find new ways of offering our full authentic selves to our work, our families and our communities. Through Boddevi, she sees her creative work as a visual channel to the divine feminine force that wants to be acknowledged, seen and felt amongst us. Robyn finds peace, safety and inspiration from nature and Mother Earth and is finding more and more comfort and trust from her exploration and honouring of self.